Explore UU Roots

In the Spirit Play stories, we can explore UU greats like John Murray and Susan B Anthony, we also focus on our symbols like the chalice and our covenant to one another. At UUCGN we like to have special guests from the congregation come in and share their talents and stories--they are also a part of our roots.
Identify With Jewish Teachings

During the year we explore several of the Jewish stories and celebrations. Studying these traditions as a UU community highlights how the roots of these stories have helped define our faith.
Peace + Social Action

At UCCGN from a young age children get actively involved with making the world a better place. Whether it is learning about Rosa Parks, going to an MLK JR parade, learning to save gopher turtles on one of our field trips or helping with the Weekend Meals.
Learn About World Religions

Through Spirit Play stories we explore celebrations such as Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Chanukah and Passover. Not always every year. We like to have a person of Jewish faith is possible and of course music!
Identify With Christian Teachings

Through story, celebrations, traditions, art and music we explore and sometimes challenge our christian heritage. Our roots in our judeo-christian heritage run deep and the stories and history run 2000 years.
Understand UU Princinples

In every story we ponder on which of the seven principles it covers. We learn that the principles weave in and out of our lives everyday. They are all connected to us and to our community as we strive to be more peaceful and more inclusive.