Religious Exploration Committee

Religious Exploration 


Engaging and supporting families: adults, teens, and children from Pre-K and up, in living out Unitarian Universalist values in the midst of family life today. Opportunities exist for religious education, community outreach activities, fundraisers, field trips and team building exercises.  

volunteer with us


  • Share your knowledge or experience of: religion, the bible, history, poetry, philosophy with our children and youth.
  • Learn about or participate in the teaching of the great religious traditions.
  • Help youth explore their moral, philosophical and religious beliefs.
  • Use your training as an educator or background working with children and youth.
  • Train to facilitate OWL (Our Whole Lives) or COA (Coming of Age).
  • Develop and grow our youth group (we would love to add a weekly youth activity program).


Current Month
Current Month

Religious Exploration Committee


Youth Religious Exploration

Religious Exploration Committee Religious Exploration  OVERVIEW Engaging and supporting families: adults, teens, and children from Pre-K and up, in living out Read More


If you’re interested in getting involved and don’t quite know where to start, don’t worry. We can help. We have 30+ Committees and Teams doing active work inside our church and out in the community. We can help you find the perfect fit for your interests and skills. Contact us today!

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