This is a repeating eventApril 6, 2025 10:00 amApril 20, 2025 10:00 am
Sunday Service
Event Details
Greeters: Ushers: Sexton: Money Counters: WA: Sunday Service Volunteers Needed!
Event Details
Money Counters:
Sunday Service Volunteers Needed!
Please email if you are willing to volunteer for any of these tasks for Sunday services. Tasks & Short descriptions:
• Greeters: Welcome members and visitors and ask for visitor information if any.
• Ushers: Pass out the Order of Service, Head Count, Pass the collection plate
• Money counters: Count the plate cash
• Sextons: Help open and close the building — open and unlock doors and turn on the fans etc.. This task is much easier now, and is done by the staff, but it would be helpful to have help if needed and maybe sometimes for committee meetings and events outside of office hours.
• YRE Greeters: We need an RE Greeter willing to greet the children in the education wing. It’s a great way to meet the children and their parents. You need to arrive at 9:40 and greet until around 10:05-10:10 (some children arrive late). When the children arrive have them put on their name tags and fill their water bottles that are on the table near the door. The early arrivals (maybe two or three) sit in the brown chairs and play tic tac toe and hangman until the assistant takes them to the blue room or Stephanie arrives at 9:55 with the child greeter and takes them to the blue room.
• We also need someone to bring snack each week for about 15 children. It can be the same person who greets or a different person. The snack should arrive by 9:45 and taken to the kitchen in the education wing. There are white baskets to put snack in with wipes. The snack is then taken down to the orange room. (We usually eat outside at some point and get it from there). It’s an easy job and you don’t miss any church!
• RE Snack List: Prepare snacks for 15 children. Please choose items that are individually wrapped, not messy and relatively healthy. Remember this is just a snack and children will go home and have lunch with their families. To prepare snack please arrive at 9:45.
Clementines, Bananas, Granola bars, Individually wrapped string cheese, Individually wrapped snack crackers like goldfish or little graham crackers, Individually wrapped fruit leather snacks. Individually wrapped apple slices or small apples. Individual boxes of raisins. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Stephanie St John at or call 317-918-1965. We need dates filled from January 16th until May 15th with the exception of Jan 30th.
These are wonderful ways to serve the congregation without having to make a long-term commitment. THANK YOU!
April 13, 2025 10:00 am - 11:00 am(GMT-05:00)
6340 Napa Wood Way, Naples, FL 34116