Facilities Committee

Position: Governance and Planning
Categories: Governance and Planning

Facilities Committee

We strive to ensure that everyone is warmly welcomed, that newcomers are made to feel at home, valued friends and encouraged to join the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Greater Naples (UUCGN) as members. The Committee hosts newcomers from the moment they reach the door. We get to know them, introduce them to others in the congregation and help them to become active and involved, and eventually to find becoming a UU will be an important part of their lives.

This year, UUCGN is embarking on implementing an exciting new program developed by the First Unitarian Church of Dallas called “Faith Forward”, a guided path for visitors, members, and leaders in the congregation. Whether you’ve been here for 50 minutes or 50 years, these sessions are for YOU.

Faith Forward helps you build relationships, learn about the church, feel a sense of belonging, find ways to serve, deepen your spiritual life, and boldly live your faith!

It begins with a multi-session series covering different aspects of this church and Unitarian Universalism (the sessions will repeat on a recurring basis), and builds from there.