Welcome to Unitarian Universalism

A religion that celebrates diversity of belief.

Our members gather to nurture our spirits and put our faith into action through social justice work in our communities and the wider world. American Unitarian Universalism has its roots in the early American colonies and thrives today as a free-thinking, non-creedal religion where all are welcome. Rather than follow a set of specific beliefs, we agree to follow a set of ethical principles and look to a variety of common sources for spiritual inspiration.

Unitarian Universalists (UUs)

What do we stand for?

We welcome mindfulness, gratitude, and awe into their lives—some for the wonder and mystery of the universe and the earth, some for the power of human love, and others for God’s love (or all three!)

We don’t focus on sin but emphasize the potential goodness of all people and celebrate the original blessing of life. We are bound not by a creed that dictates our beliefs but by a covenant—an agreement to walk together on the journey through life.

We embrace people with wide-ranging theological and philosophical ideas: atheists, agnostics, religious humanists, Buddhist UUs, Jewish UUs, Christian UUs, pagan UUs, pantheists, panentheists, process theologians, mystics, and undecideds. Some of us grew up UU, some with no religious background at all, some in other faiths. Some of us married someone of a different faith and began looking for a place where both were supported; some discovered later in life that we were always a UU and never knew it. If that’s true in your case, there’s a community waiting for you!

Our Seven


UUs hold these seven principles as strong values and moral teachings. As Rev. Barbara Wells ten Hove explains, “The principles are not dogma or doctrine, but rather a guide for those of us who choose to join and participate in Unitarian Universalist religious communities.” They read:

Unitarian Universalists covenant to affirm and promote:


The inherent worth and dignity of every person


Justice, equity and compassion in human relations


Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations


A free and responsible search for truth and meaning


The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large


The goal of world community with peace, liberty and justice for all


Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part

 “Throughout history, we have moved to the rhythms of mystery and wonder, prophecy, wisdom, teachings from ancient and modern sources, and nature herself.”

-Rev. Kathleen Rolenz

Sources of

Our Living Tradition

Worshiping in our congregations, you may hear a reading or perspective shared from any one of these sources from which our living tradition is drawn:

  • Direct experience of that transcending mystery and wonder, affirmed in all cultures, which moves us to a renewal of the spirit and an openness to the forces which create and uphold life;
  • Words and deeds of prophetic women and men which challenge us to confront powers and structures of evil with justice, compassion and the transforming power of love;
  • Wisdom from the world’s religions which inspires us in our ethical and spiritual life;
  • Jewish and Christian teachings which call us to respond to God’s love by loving our neighbors as ourselves;
  • Humanist teachings which counsel us to heed the guidance of reason and the results of science, and warn us against idolatries of the mind and spirit;
  • Spiritual teachings of Earth-centered traditions which celebrate the sacred circle of life and instruct us to live in harmony with the rhythms of nature.
  • Grateful for the religious pluralism which enriches and ennobles our faith, we are inspired to deepen our understanding and expand our vision.

Want to learn more?

Additional Resources 

The Unitarian Universalist Organization website has more in-depth discussion of our seven principles

UU History in 8 Minutes (from Starr King School for the Ministry)

100 Questions that Non-Members Ask About Unitarian Universalism (from the UU Church of Nashua New Hampshire; if you like this text, we recommend you buy the book by the same title from the UUA).

Ten Good Reasons for Joining a Unitarian Universalist Congregation (Written by Bill and Barbara Hamilton-Holway and Mark Harris ©1995 Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations from the UUA bookmark, “Ten Good Reasons for Joining a Unitarian Universalist Congregation.”)