Ready to create a community within the church? Chalice Circles are a form of Small Group Ministry. Groups of 6 to 8 people meet regularly — in our case, twice a month — to reflect, share deeply, and listen without judgment about concerns of the heart and mind. Chalice Circles are a different form of sharing, unlike a discussion or therapy group, but a chance to listen and share from the heart.

Chalice Circles are great places to get to know other people and to get to know yourself better. Over time, participants develop deep connections with one another, the congregation, and their spirituality. Each gathering is structured and facilitated by a member of the congregation who is trained in facilitation. Participants are encouraged to share their stories and learn how to listen deeply to others without judgment.

Our Activities

Attend An Event

Groups will meet twice a month, for 90 minutes each session.

There is a monthly theme, developed by Soul Matters, that is complemented by a resource packet of materials to read and ponder before each session. 

Gain Community

Be with congregants outside of service

Circle of Confidants

A group who listens & cares

Respectful Listening

When it's your time to speak, we listen

Sharing and Receiving

Active and open sharing of ideas

Build Solidarity

Know you are not alone 

Boundaries Respected

Advice is not given during sharing

Upcoming Events

We Meet Virtually and In Person

Current Month

what to expect

Why Join A Chalice Circle Group?

Consistent Gatherings

Active Listening

Make Friends with Fellow Members

A Dedicated Space to Explore Ideas

Build Community

Make Once-in-a-lifetime Memories