are you new here?

We are a warm, welcoming, open-hearted community full of spiritual seekers ready to greet you with a smile. If you're looking for a community of friends who want to do good in the world, you've come to the right place. 

visiting for the first time?

we're delighted to meet you

The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Greater Naples (UUCGN) is a vibrant, welcoming, spiritual community of religious seekers. Our congregation provides a safe haven where all are free to search for and create meaning as part of their individual spiritual journey. We gather here to nurture our spirits and put our faith into action through social justice work in our local community and the wider world. In addition, we help our children develop their spiritual curiosity, exposing them to the great religions without indoctrinating them with a particular set of beliefs.

learn about us

answering your questions

What does it
mean to be a UU?

Unitarian Universalism is a non-creedal faith. This means that no one is asked to recite or commit to a statement of belief. Every person is entitled to, and indeed supported in, a free and responsible search for truth and meaning. In other words, we honor one another’s spiritual and religious journeying. We honor the free faith tradition.

Does that mean you can believe
anything you want?

Our beliefs come from our experiences and understanding of the world. We pay attention to the scientific world view and engage in critical thinking. One of our ministers put it this way, “The source of our authority is the evidence of our experience, refined through reason and the free church tradition and tested in community.”

Where can I learn more about
Unitarian Universalism?

Visit our About Unitarian Universalism page to learn more about our seven principles, our living tradition, our history of diversity and social justice, along with a number of interesting resources to explore. 

What does "Welcoming Congregation" mean?

According to the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA):

“We know that religious spaces haven’t always been welcoming places for all people, especially when it comes to gender and sexuality. We are out to change that. For 25 years we have worked hard to make sure lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people are full members of our faith communities. Being welcoming means striving for radical inclusion, and creating spaces that honor every part of our identities, backgrounds, and experiences.”

find us

Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9 am to 2 pm


Handicap and general parking is available near the building

A number of “Courtesy Parking” spaces near the main entrance are also available. Reserved for those who may need easy access.

General parking is also available on either side of the road leading to the building, except in areas noted as “No Parking.”

Visit our Contact page and enter your address to receive driving directions from your starting location.

at the entrance to UUCGN



When you arrive, you’ll be met on the walkway leading to the lobby by our greeters and asked to fill out a name badge.


As you walk through our lobby, please feel free to pick up literature about us and Unitarian Universalism in general.


You will see bulletin boards and newsletters announcing the latest happenings at UUCGN. You can find a preview of upcoming events in Weekly Highlights.


As you enter the sanctuary, you will receive an Order of Service.

what to expect

our church Services


We invite you to our 10:00 am Sunday service.

If you are unable or uncomfortable meeting with us in person, we host a live stream online event for each of our Sunday Services. Visit our Facebook page to watch the live service or watch later on YouTube.

Order of Service on A Typical
Sunday Morning

Opening Words
Chalice Lighting
Opening Hymn
Centering Hymn
Joys and Sorrows
Musical Meditation
Musical Response
Offertory Music
Our Congregational Life
Closing Hymn



  • Joys and Sorrows

  • Story for All Ages

  • connect


The service begins with a welcome and announcements, and leads into a musical prelude; the service ends approximately one hour after it begins.

Our Sunday services include a variety of instrumental music, hymn singing, readings, and a sermon. 

UUCGN for all

Welcome, Families!

Children are very welcome! We have a growing and vibrant youth and parent community at UUCGN. Our Youth Religious Exploration (YRE) program takes place on Sunday mornings.

If you are bringing a child or children, we suggest you plan to arrive around fifteen minutes prior to the service start time so you can meet our Director of Religious Exploration (DRE), Stephanie St John. She will tell you what is happening that morning in Youth Religious Exploration and explain to your children what to expect.


What should I wear?

If you decide to visit us for a service, you (and your children) will feel most comfortable dressing in “Florida casual.”


any accommodations ?

Yes, the building is disability accessible. We also provide large-print hymnals, print copies of the service, and audio assistance devices for our services.

In addition to the reserved handicapped parking, UUCGN has a number of “Courtesy Parking” spaces near the church main entrance that are marked and reserved for those who may need easy access.

Restrooms are available for persons of any gender

A  warm welcome from our members

What to expect from our reverend, tony fisher

Rev. Tony Fisher

janet's invite to new members

Janet Hoffman

welcome to uucgn

Missy Cowan

what it means to be a uucgn member

Katherine Baer Costello

friends you can talk to

Gary Pajonk

Newcomer Orientation

We're happy to help you find the answers you seek. If you're new here and interested in learning more about our church, getting involved, or becoming a member, we can help!

Newcomer orientations are offered several times during the year on Sundays after the service.

Orientation lasts about 2 hours. They include a light lunch and free childcare.

Contact the office or speak with Rev. Tony Fisher to learn more.

More Questions?

Learn more about Unitarian Universalism

Join a Chalice Circle or talk with other families.