Wellness &
Safety Policies
Wellness Policy
We recognize that our population includes not only the very young but also elderly members who may have compromised immune systems. Our responsibility to one another means we must be explicit in our expectations and that they encompass the whole congregation.
In an effort to minimize the risk of flu and other contagious illnesses, we ask that families observe the following guidelines. Do not bring your child to church if your child:
- Exhibits coughing, sneezing, body aches, sore throat, and/or vomiting.
- Is or has been ill with a fever of 100 degrees or above within the previous 48 hours. (Your child should be fever-free for the prior 24 hours).

Observe good health habits:
Any child who becomes ill during Sunday morning activities will be separated from the other children while parents are notified. They will be asked to take their child home. Any child who comes to church exhibiting the above symptoms will be asked to be taken home.

Step 1
Wash hands for 20 seconds or longer in hot soapy water (preferable) or use an alcohol-based hand gel or wipes upon entering and leaving classrooms.
Step 2
Teach children to sneeze and/or cough into their elbow or sleeve if a tissue is not available, not into their hands.
Step 3
Dispose of used tissues into trash cans, do not leave lying on tables or common floor areas, and wash hands again.
Safe Congregation Policy
It is the intention of UUCGN to provide a safe environment to protect children, youth, staff, friends, guests and all members of our congregation.
All staff and regular volunteers in the RE program are required to have a background check covering national databases on criminal, driving and other resources.
Volunteer teachers are expected to attend the annual teacher training as scheduled by the Director of Lifespan Religious Exploration (DLRE).
Each child will have an annually updated registration form on file that identifies special needs, allergies or other pertinent information to the well being of that child.
Sleepover and transportation guidelines are established by the RE committee in conjunction with the DLRE. Permissions forms for special events and field trips are required.
Fire and emergency evacuation exits are marked with the lit EXIT signs. In case of emergency evacuation, parents are NOT to attempt to get to the education wing. Teacher will exit with classes and will meet parents in the Southwest corner of the parking lot. Teachers participate in drills and know how to safely evacuate the children.
First Aid kits are maintained and available to the DLRE, minister and staff. A defibrillator is located in the kitchen area and volunteers are trained on its appropriate use regularly. In case of serious injury, 911 will be called. Parents will be notified of any injury to their child. They will also be notified if their child causes injury to another.
Any complaints or concerns regarding any type of abuse (physical, verbal, sexual, emotional) will be reported to the DLRE, minister and president of the Board of Trustees for investigation.
All religious education functions are alcohol and tobacco free. Please note that other congregational functions/events may serve alcohol.