About Green Sanctuary Program
Five-Stage Process
Is a five-stage process, usually carried out over 1-3 years, in which a team of people create an action plan to help their congregation progress in four areas: environmental justice, worship and celebration, religious education, and sustainable living.
The Green Sanctuary Program provides a path for congregational study, reflection, and action in response to environmental challenges. The Green Sanctuary Program, now in its sixth edition, partners with congregations to address climate change and environmental justice. Congregations that complete the program are accredited as Green Sanctuaries in recognition of their service and dedication to the Earth.
This program provides a structure for congregations to examine their current environmental impacts and move towards more sustainable practices in ways grounded in Unitarian Universalism.
UUCGN was awarded its Green Sanctuary accreditation in June of 2008. UUCGN has committed to continue to learn how to create a sustainable future in our lives and congregation.
UUCGN participates in this nationwide UUA program that encourages congregations to practice our 7th Principle: respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are part. The program is a means by which we can focus on the theological, spiritual, and ethical aspects of human activities that affect the health and sustainability of the living earth.
What We Do
Worship & Celebration
The best way to recognize our relationship with the network of life is to make it a regular part of our worship and celebration together. We’ve had an annual Earth Day service at UUCGN since 2007.
Thanks to all the hard work of the Facilities committee, our new 34.4 kW solar photovoltaic (PV) system is installed and operational.
Continuing Education
The Green Sanctuary committee organizes a variety of workshops, small group courses, films, and lectures to provide the most current information on what is happening with our earth.
How to Go Green: Action Steps for You and Your Family
Learning How To Create A Sustainable Future In Our Lives As Individuals As Well As A Congregation
We at UUCGN continue living as an Accredited Green Sanctuary. We’ve developed and integrated an Earth consciousness into our individual and congregational lives. We’ve taken conscious action to reduce or mitigate environmental damage and strengthen our connections with the Earth.
1) Individual Actions: Essential But Not Sufficient
Here are some of our energy-saving commitments:
- 1install a low-flow shower head
- 2unplug appliances when not in use
- 3use technology to enable remote meetings
- 4keep sufficient air pressure in tires
- 5drive less, and practice eco-driving
- 6raise thermostat in summer
- 7lower thermostat on spas
- 8travel by air less often
- 9eat a more plant-centric diet
- 10turn off lights when exiting rooms
- 11take canvass bags into grocery store
- 12reduce use of plastics
Political Action Steps
Political Solutions
Let your congress representative, senators, and president know that you support clean and renewable energy. Suggest a change from the current growth & unregulated economy. Support a local environmental advocacy group (such as Preserve Our Paradise or the Conservancy of SW Florida).
Green Sanctuary hosts the Naples Chapter of Citizens’ Climate Lobby. CCL is laser-focused on getting legislation that puts a price on carbon and distributes revenues back to the household passed at the national level. On January 24th, the Energy Innovation and Dividend Act (House Resolution 763), incorporating these principles, was introduced in the US House of Representative. The Naples chapter participated in three meetings with Francis Rooney which culminated in him being a Republican co-sponsor. Several members of our congregation participated in the Lobby Day Washington, DC, in June 2019, where we advocated for a similar bill introduced in the US Senate.
Green Sanctuary