Green Sanctuary Committee OVERVIEW

This group provides structure, leadership, and support for the UUCGN community to engage in an ambitious Environmental Justice and Climate Justice movement that seeks to achieve our vision of a viable and just world for all.

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  • The Green Sanctuary Program provides a path for congregational study, reflection, and action in response to environmental challenges.
  • The Green Sanctuary Program, now in its sixth edition, partners with congregations to address climate change and environmental justice.
  • Congregations that complete the program are accredited as Green Sanctuaries in recognition of their service and dedication to the Earth.
  • This program provides a structure for congregations to examine their current environmental impacts and move towards more sustainable practices in ways grounded in Unitarian Universalism.


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Green Sanctuary Committee


Green Sanctuary Committee

Green Sanctuary Committee Green Sanctuary Committee OVERVIEW This group provides structure, leadership, and support for the UUCGN community to engage in Read More


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