UUCGN Registration Form
for Pre-K-12th grade groups

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Child Details
Child(ren): Full Names
ALLERGY or other Issue
Youth Email & phone:
Pre-K = 1-4 years old. Please put age: 2 yrs old, 3 yrs, or 4yr.
Please let us know about your child(ren)’s interests, temperament, effective ways to redirect their behavior, and any special educational needs or learning difference.
Write on back or meet with staf
  • All written communications will be provided to the classroom volunteers, especially Allergies and tips to make a safe, good experience for the individual and the group.
I give permission that the likeness of my children and youth may be used on UUCGN website, brochures, and emails.
My signature indicates that they have my permission to participate in UUCGN Groups. And as a Parent/Guardian, I agree to support the program by staying on campus during Sunday mornings while my child is in attendance or to designate a person on-site and tell the Staff/Volunteers

I will contact yre@uunaples.org to find a suitable way I can support RE activities.
Opting in to email and SMS campaigns
I agree to receive SMS or e-mails for the provided number/email above
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.