UUCGN Registration Form
for Pre-K-12th grade groups
NOTE: All items marked with an asterisk * are required.
Return to Coordinator of Religious Exploration staff directly or mailbox / office.
Youth Religious Exploration Group
Guidelines & BEHAVIOR POLICY - Our Three “R’s
Respect People: Treat everyone with kindness and polite behavior.
Respect Property: Take good care of our building and grounds.
Respect Yourself: Learn how to participate well with others to enjoy your time here.
POLICY in a nutshell:
Reminder of Covenant – what behaviors and attitudes they & group agrees to.
Assessment of basic needs, take care of them (HALT if Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired)
Volunteer teacher brings child to Staff Parent/guardian contacted, may call to room. Staff, Parents/Caregivers, youth meet at an agreed upon time to work out a plan so that both the child and the group may have a positive experience.