Membership Committee OVERVIEW

The Membership Committee strives to ensure that everyone is warmly welcomed, that newcomers are made to feel at home, and valued friends are encouraged to join UUCGN as members.

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  • Greet and welcome newcomers as they come through the door.
  • Conduct new member Orientations that deepen their understanding of what being a Unitarian Universalist (UU) means and allows us to get to know them better.
  • Identify new members and recognize them when they return again. Colored name tags and photos of new members posted in the entry hall allow everyone in the congregation to recognize that they are new and take part in making them feel at home.
  • Host small dinners for newcomers and friends to get to know us better.
  • Become a Greeter, an Usher and bring people together, make them feel at home.


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Membership Committee

Membership Committee Membership Committee OVERVIEW The Membership Committee strives to ensure that everyone is warmly welcomed, that newcomers are made to Read More


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