10 a.m. Service both In-Person and Live on Facebook – Archived on Facebook & Youtube
Remember! Daylight Saving Time ends on November 6th. “Fall back” 1 hour before retiring on Saturday night!
Sunday, November 6 – Rev. Tony Fisher: “Church and State”
Following Dick Macken’s thoughtful sermon in September on the influence of Enlightenment thinking on American Society, we’ll look at what is going on right now across the country and in our own back yard and why this is worthy of our consideration, our concern, and our action.
Music from Abbey and Shawn Allison
Sunday, November 13 – Rev. Tony Fisher: “The Generative and Generous Spirit”
Broadening and deepening with the years; Staying involved so that we can stay “alive.”
Music from Abbey and Shawn Allison
Sunday, November 20 – Rev. Tony Fisher: “Story and Song”
A Thanksgiving service for all, centering our human love for a good tale and for music.
Music from Shawn and Abbey Allison
Sunday, November 27
A service of Gratitude with members sharing reflections about people who have made a difference in their lives. All services at held at 10:00 am Sunday morning in the Sanctuary.