UUCGN Mission
We are a welcoming congregation freely seeking intellectual and spiritual growth. We strive to create a larger community of peace, justice and love.
Major News/Decisions
- We welcomed four new members: Linda Allen, Pam Comer, Jim Reeves and Chris Rapp.
- VP Kurko recommended a by-laws change related to the Finance Committee, to be voted on at the Annual Meeting in March.
- VP Kurko reported that the Endowment Board and Board of Trustees are considering use of the recent bequests to the congregation.
- The Safety and Security Report was tabled until the October meeting.
- The Board of Trustees will be conducting Board Workshop on Saturday, October 8.
- The Market Analysis/Needs Assessment for RE is in the beginning stages.
- The implementation of the Child Protection Policy was discussed and regular progress reporting requested.
- The Board regretfully accepted the resignation of Trustee, John Graydon, who cited pressing family needs at this time.
- The Board approved the appointment of Jon Pipkin to complete the first year of Graydon’s 3-year term, to serve as Trustees until April 30, 2023.
- The request from the Music Committee to plan a 1-week summer ukulele camp for youth, to be held at UUCGN, was unanimously approved.
- The use of proceeds from the Wahlberg Concert for the Guatemalan family was discussed. The Board will look at other available funds to provide support for this family. Decision will be finalized at the next Board meeting.
- A roof repair was approved.
- The name of the Sabbatical Reserve Fund was changed to Sabbatical/Search Fund.
- Rona Steingart is donating her art collection to UUCGN to sell. The work will be displayed in Menaker Foyer with the sale to be held in December.
- The Board established a Hurricane Ian Relief Fund to be used in the River Park community of Naples.
The Board welcomes your thoughts, suggestions, and ideas as we move forward in offering opportunities for a deepening of personal spirituality, education, exploration and fulfillment as well as our commitment to addressing social injustice and inequity.
For more information, contact Board President, Elaine Cockroft (ecockroft@comcast.net)