Date change for discussion of the UUA Common Read to January, date TBD: We have postponed the discussion to be led by Rev. Tony of Defund Fear: Safety without Policing, Prisons, and Punishment, by Zach Norris. We are hoping to broaden the book discussion to include an introduction to CCSO initiatives relating to how the police department deals with mental health issues while performing their duties.
Mini-programs on aging and dying: We are still fine-tuning the schedule for seven follow-up mini-programs to the Transitions: Aging & Dying series from earlier this year, to include discussion of Finish Strong, by Barbara Coombs Lee; two sessions led by Rev. Tony relating to spiritual support for the dying process and developing your own memorial service; discussion of In Love: A Memoir of Love and Loss, by Amy Bloom; two sessions offering an overview of processes and responsibilities as loved ones age; and an introduction to elderlaw services.
Chalice Circles: Chalice Circles offer a great opportunity to get to know others in the congregation and to get to know yourself better. Groups are facilitated by a UUCGN member. We had hoped to launch groups to start in November, but Hurricane Ian set our schedule back. We are now planning to start them in either December or January to take place for three to six month duration, depending on facilitators’ availability. Note: We are seeking facilitators! More information will be available on the pavilion starting in November.
Contact Kathie Gorski (